The incredibly talented artist responsible for the designs of Jar Jar BinksSebulba and so many more in The Phantom Menace is the legendary Terryl Whitlatch. Just flip through a dog-eared copy of Art Of TPM and see for yourself.

Ms. Whitlatch’s contributions to the saga cannot be overstated: whether it was the Dewbacks and new Jabba denizens of the Special Editions, the Podracer pilots or the creatures of Naboo’s planet core, I am just thrilled and honored to be able to share her story with you all and I hope you enjoy it as much as you’ll be quickly able to tell that I did. All on this episode of this Star Wars interview podcast!

I don’t think I’ve gushed in an interview like this before, but please correct me if I’m wrong. I just want to thank Ms. Whitlatch again for the incredible, incredible interview.